Tuesday, 8 April 2008


I thought every thing was right. I was happy that with the new settings I will be able to enjoy the net without any trouble at least for a week. But all it went upside down. From the very next day there was problem. This when I contacted the customer care I was informed that there was some thing wrong with the way that I used to connect net. I was using this way from November 27th and during this period many times I explained all these procedure to them. They never said that I was wrong. But I never argued about it. I changed the procedure as directed by them. Then it was easy to get connected. Earlier it took almost 5 to 10 minutes to get connected but now it took only seconds. There was nothing wrong from my side. I followed what the officer who came to configure my connection told me. Again there was hope.

This too lasted hardly for a week. From 04/04/2008 there were problems with the net. This time the “remote computer do not respond” Error #678. I searched for the possible causes for this error. My search “error 678 dataone” gave me many results from various Telecom Circles and blogs. Most of them were pointing towards the malfunctioning of modem or any defect in the circuit that connect my PC and modem or telephone line and modem. But I was sure that there is nothing wrong with my telephone line because I was able to use my old dialup connection. I was little busy on Friday and Saturday. I don’t have enough hours to waist by dialing the always busy 1957. On Sunday evening I got that officer and asked him about this complaint. He told me that their server was down from Friday and it was solved by Sunday afternoon. He was right when reached home the net was ready.

Now today again I am facing the same complaint. The remote computer does not respond Error 678. I hope the BSNL people will make it ready by the end of this week.

Thanks to my old dialup connection. I am using it for about 5 years without any such complaints. There were small complaints and those were solved in few hours. From 27/11/2007 till this date I was not able to use my Dataone continuously for a week without any problem. Is it the way “Connecting India”

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